Emperor Fushimi (伏見天皇)

Emperor Fushimi (May 10, 1265 - October 8, 1317) was the ninety-second Japanese Emperor. (his reign was November 27, 1287 - August 30, 1298.)
His posthumous name was Hirohito,
He was known as a founder of the Fushimi-in school of calligraphy, as well as a talented poet in the Kyogoku group.


He was the second prince of Emperor Gofukakusa. His mother was Genki mon in (FUJIWARA no Inshi), who was a daughter of the minister of the left, Saneo TOIN.
Jimyo-in imperial line

Brief Personal History

With the help of Emperor Gofukakusa of Jimyo in line, Emperor Fushimi became the crown prince of Emperor Gouda from the Daikakuji line in 1275. In 1287 he succeeded the Imperial Throne following the abdication of Emperor Gouda. Subsequently, both Daikaku ji line and Jimyo in line shared the succession to the Imperial Throne for a while. After Emperor Gofukakusa stopped ruling the cloister government in two years, there was a government under the direct rule of the Emperor. In 1289, because Emperor Fushimi had appointed his son, Emperor Gofushimi, to become the crown prince, a feud was caused with the Daikaku ji line.

In 1290, Tameyori ASAHARA forced his way into the Imperial Palace and attempted to assassinate the Emperor. In regard to this incident it was initially presumed that Hojo clan made a countercharge, since their private land had been taken away in the Battle of Koan; however, it was subsequently discovered that Sanemori SANJO was involved, and there was suspicion that the retired Emperor Kameyama had agitated the matter behind the scenes.

During his reign he tried to control the court nobles in order to abolish the politics; and after the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) started getting involved in politics, he passed the throne to Emperor Gofushimi in 1298 and started ruling the cloister government. However, after three years (in 1301) the Daikaku ji line took back the political control and Emperor Gonijo succeeded to the throne. In 1308, the political maneuverings of the emperor against the Kamakura bakufu proved successful and the fourth prince was enthroned as Emperor Hanazono, with Emperor Fushimi resuming cloistered rule.

During the reign of Emperor Fushimi, there was a dispute over who wielded political power as the Jimyo-in and Daikaku-ji lines were unable to come to an agreement. The Emperor died in 1317.

Emperor Fushimi's politic ironically followed his opposition, the retired Emperor Kameyama; he worked actively to restore the authority of the Imperial Palace by reforming the court institution of the palace or establishing Kiroku Shoen Ken kei sho (an office established in the Heian period to prevent having municipa manor)
He was also strongly suspicious toward the Kamakura bakufu, which had tried to get involved in the succession of the Imperial Throne; during his reign there was even a rumor that the Emperor had an intention to defeat the Kamakura bakufu. Thus there is a theory that the reason the Emperor's poet teacher and closest aide, Tamekane KYOGOKU, was exiled twice was because the Kamakura bakufu wanted to send a warning to the Emperor in response to his actions against them.

Eras during his reign

Koan (October 21, 1287) - April 28, 1288

Shoo April 28, 1288 - August 5, 1293

Einin August 5, 1293 - (July 22, 1298)

Posthumous name, Tsuigo, Different name

He received a posthumous name, Fushimi in, the name came from the Palace he lived for long time in Rakunan, after the abdication. Additionally, he was called Jimyo in dono, the name of the successive sento (the palace for a retired emperor) Imperial Palace of Jimyo in line, and also the name of the place where Emperor Fushimi died.

The Imperial Mausoleum

The Emperor was entombed with successive Emperors of Jimyo in to in Fukakusa kita no misasagi or also called as Fukakusa ju-ni tei ryo, Fukakusa bo-cho Town, in the Fushimi Ward of Kyoto City.

[Original Japanese]